Intra-organizational trainings

Intra-organizational trainings

To perform its mission, fulfill the scope, sustainability and consolidation of the company's policies, furthermore, to keep the staff up to date and achieve its long-term and short-term goals, Razi Metallurgical Research Center (RMRC) holds special intra-organizational training courses which are schemed and planned based on the requirements of the existing jobs.
1- General trainings
This includes courses which must be fulfilled completely by all the staff, for example: Mission, Scope, Policies, Goals and virtues of the company, organizing the workspace, safety and occupational health, teamwork and problem-solving as a team, organizational ethics and establishing efficient relations, etc.
2- Specialized trainings
Training courses corresponding to each job, activity, and responsibility undertaken by lab experts and supervisors and divisions are presented, for instance: Statistical quality control, General calibration, handling lab instruments, introduction to corresponding lab standards and introduction to ISO/IEC 17025 standard.
3- On the Job Trainings (OJT)
The goal behind providing training on the job is to teach theoretical and practical skills while the job is being done. This method is the best way to impart knowledge on science and skills which are required to be learned in a fixed period of time.
4- Self-discipline courses
This type of training is done by the staff through reading books, magazines, papers and scientific, technical and economic reports.

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